Dear Reader,

When I started my recovery journey I had no idea how I would afford what was in front of me: the years of counseling for me and my wife, the software to keep our devices safe, and the group therapy sessions for both of us. The price tag for healing was daunting, to say the least.

I am grateful to say though, none of that was a worry for me. You see, I had generous people rally around me and offer to pay for my recovery needs as long as I was committed. As a young pastor with two kids, I couldn’t refuse. I honestly don’t know if I would have received the same level of care that I did had those people not been willing to give toward my healing.

I am convinced that because of the generosity of others, I was able to focus fully on my healing and put my all toward my recovery. I am forever changed due to the giving hearts of those who supported me in my early days of recovery.

Now I lead men who have yet to find healing and show them all that I have learned on my journey. I see from the other side what it’s like to wrestle with the stresses of day-to-day living and intentionally focus on recovery. As you can imagine, it’s not an easy juggle.

That is why I’m asking for your help. Would you prayerfully consider becoming a Pure Partner by giving your best gift to help support a Fellow Fighter?

My vision is to help people from all walks of life and of all ages to find freedom from their sexual struggles. For someone to miss out on the opportunity to get the help they deserve because of financial issues, is not an option.

When you give to Pure And Free you are helping people who otherwise could not afford the help they deserve. Every dollar goes to getting someone into coaching, community, and finding sexual freedom. If you are passionate about helping others find freedom from sexual addiction, then join us in the fight for purity with your best gift today.

Sincerely I thank you for any gift that you feel led to give. You are changing lives.

Cameron Gamso, Founder


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